전체 페이지뷰

2011년 7월 26일 화요일

네이처가 권하는 책 13선 - 과학자들이 휴가지에서 읽어야할 것들

‘그들이 말하지 않은 23가지(23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism)’

나는 몇 살까지 살까(The Longevity Project, 2011)

내 안의 물고기(Your Inner Fish, 2008)

Dog Days, Raven Nights (2011)

Thus Spoke Galileo (2006)

Massive: The Hunt for the God Particle (2010)

The Calculus of Selfishness (2010)

Virunga: The Survival of Africa's First National Park (2009)

The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth (2011)

The Way of the Panda (2011)

Deadly Choices (2011)

Why the West Rules - For Now (2010)

The Civil War: A Narrative (1958(1권), 1963(2권), 1974(3권))

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